Bump on the Roof of Mouth
The mouth is one of the most complicated parts of our bodies and the hard palate does not make an exception from that rule. If you feel a bump on the roof of your mouth, then you have to make sure it is a sign of disease. For example, we all have the incisive papilla that is situated behind our front teeth and that is completely normal. However, this can become enlarged or irritated and that will require treatment. Smokers can also have a bump on the roof of their mouth, this being identified through the small depression in the center.Sometimes, a bump on the roof of the mouth can appear for no particular reason and it can go away just as easily. In the situation when the bump disappears and forms again, you have to think about the bigger picture and identify the medical condition underlying the bump. Perhaps it represents a reaction to an outside stimulus or allergen or maybe it has to do with a pre-existing condition, such as protruding bones. The good news is that most of the times this bump is harmless and easily treated; however, you should not expect until it increases in size, becoming even more uncomfortable and painful. Then, the treatment will be more difficult as well.
Causes of Bump on the Roof of Mouth
These are the most common causes of a bump on the roof of mouth:
- Enlarged or irritated incisive papilla. This can also be caused by excessive tobacco chewing
- Smoking - people who smoke either a cigar or a pipe present an increased risk for mouth roof bumps. This condition is also known as smoker's palate or nicotine stomatitis
- Protruding bone - frequent in people who grind their teeth. The level of discomfort is increased by the appearance of ulcers or sores
- Mucoceles - this bump appears when the salivary glands are blocked. It may disappear and re-appear but it requires the attention of a dentist
- Oral cancer - if you are a heavy smoker or you have ingested large quantities of alcohol for prolonged periods of time, then you should pay serious attention to any bump on the roof of your mouth
- Epstein pearls - these appear in babies and they require no treatment, as they go away on their own. These are harmless, small cysts that are filled with a liquid rich in proteins
- A diet that is rich in spicy foods
- Low immunity
- Vitamin deficiency (B12, folic acid)
- Viral or bacterial infections
- Hormonal changes
- Stress
The treatment differs on the cause of growth:For enlarged or irritated incisive papilla:
- Laser treatment
- Warm saline rinses 3-4 times/day
- Topical medication
- Vitamin B complex supplements
For smoker's palate:
- Quit smoking
For torus palatinus (protruding bone):
- Topical treatment for ulcers/sores
- Surgery in more serious cases to reduce the amount of the bone present
For mucoceles:
- Removal surgery for chronic types
- Micro-marsupialization
- Salt water mouth rinses
- Laser removal for smaller types
For oral cancer:
- Removal surgery for cancerous growths
- Radiotherapy
- Chemotherapy
- Drug therapy for associated symptoms
Other Treatment methods:
- As it was already mentioned, Epstein pearls do not require treatment as they can go away on their own
- Reducing spicy foods from the daily diet
- Taking supplements that will boost the immune system
- Taking vitamin supplements that will cover the vitamin deficiency
- Anti-viral or anti-bacterial medication in case of viral or bacterial infections
As you can see for yourself, there are many causes that can lead to the appearance of a bump on roof of mouth and each has its own course of treatment. However, when it comes to the things that you have power to change, you should not waste any more time. Quit smoking today and forget about smoker's palate. Refrain from drinking alcohol or eating spicy foods all the time. Boost your immune system by eating healthy. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables for the vitamin intake. Take care of your body and also be sure to visit a dentist on a regular basis, as often times, the problem can be easily solved through a simple dental treatment.
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