The 8 Best Vegan Protein Powders

If you're looking for a way to improve your health without sacrificing the taste of your favorite foods, then vegan protein powders might be just what you need.
Protein is an essential macronutrient that our bodies need in order to function properly.
It helps keep the body strong and healthy by repairing tissue, building muscles, increasing metabolism, and more! There are many different types of vegan protein powder on the market today, but these 8 are some of the best!
8 Best Vegan Protein Powders Of 2021
1. Orgain Organic Plant-Based Protein Powder

Product Rating 4.6
The most delicious protein powder you'll ever taste is here with Orgain Organic Plant Based Protein Powder from Orgain. Mix up a quick breakfast or snack drink, make your favorite baked goods better, and refill the fridge with quality nutrition in seconds, who could resist?
Packed full of 21 grams of plant based protein (pea, brown rice, chia seeds), this power blend balances high-quality ingredients like 2 grams of dietary fiber while providing 150 essential organic nutrients per serving to ensure that you're able to get enough for everyday energy that lasts. Whether it's morning or evening time for you, this might be the only nutrient supplement you need!
2. Vega Protein Powder, 20g

Product Rating 4.5
Vega Protein Powder helps you achieve your health and fitness goals with plant-based protein, packed with vitamins and minerals to fuel all-day activity. Vega Protein Powder is low calorie and made with green vegetables for a Keto-friendly supplement containing four grams net carbs.
Just enough to get you the energy your body needs while maintaining ketosis without risking too much accidentally consuming more carbohydrates or sugars that could potentially ruin your weight loss plan.
With this new range of products Vega has hit on some serious problems in our world today, providing an innovative product for people wanting to maintain their diets while still getting the necessary amount of nutrients for their bodies.
3. TB12 Plant Based Protein Powder

Product Rating 4.6
TB12 Plant-Based Protein is the perfect affordable and accessible vegan protein that can be consumed as post-workout recovery, as an everyday meal supplement, or for those looking to experience a smoothie bowl.
TB12 plants all of its crops using eco-friendly methods, gathering only the crop's leaves without disturbing root systems ensuring optimal plant yield with minimal water consumption. The clean formula mixes easily in a delicious chocolate-tasting style with little stirring needed!
4. Vega Protein and Greens

Product Rating 4.5
Nobody has time for a proper breakfast when you're the on-the-go mom (or dad) or trying to get in some yoga after work.
Vega Protein and Greens is the answer for that! Give your body what it needs without having to make complicated choices about slow carbs vs fast carbs, vegan protein vs whey protein.
With this plant-based whey replica, you can fuel up on 20 grams of vegan protein with no added sugar while chowing down on veggies like organic kale, broccoli, alfalfa sprouts, and spinach.
Keto-friendly? Rest assured knowing there are just four grams of net carbs with zero glycemic impact - so feel free to enjoy that bowl of oatmeal guilt-free!
5. 5LB 100% Pea Protein Powder from North American Farms

Product Rating 4.5
A 100% all-natural and organic, VEGAN and LOW CARB option for your morning shake. Made from USA-grown peas, Naked Pea contains nothing but 5lbs of protein with zero additives or sweeteners.
That means all you get to enjoy is 27g of Protein per serving accompanied by only 120 calories and 2g of Sugar! If you're looking for a healthier powder supplement than what's out there on the market right now then this might be just what you need!
6. Birdman Falcon Premium Organic Plant-Based Protein Powder

Product Rating 4.4
BIRDMAN brings to you the cleverest protein shake in town. Equal parts power, style, and taste. Flap your way through your day with this premium organic plant-based protein powder that offers muscle repair and maintenance, 22 grams of protein including 4.5 grams of BCAAs per serving.
Enjoy 120 calories, no sugar or fillers in each tasty drink while also getting probiotics and enzymes!
The finest vegan fuel for building muscle without sacrifice! Perfect for all humans, even if you're lactose intolerant, have diabetes or colon problems, are vegan/vegetarian/pescatarian. This quinoa based birdbath froth is just what the doctor ordered!
7. Garden of Life Raw Organic Vegan Protein Powder Shake with Vitamins and Probiotics

Product Rating 4.3
The Garden of Life Raw Organic Vegan Protein Powder Shake is a delicious unflavored, sugar free plant-based protein made from USA-grown peas and 13 raw organic sprouts. This post-workout recovery shake includes 3 billion CFU probiotics and enzymes to make digestion easy.
Get the nutritional benefits of this satisfying high protein powder with 22 grams of complete, fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K without worrying about intolerance or allergies.
Made from organic ingredients that are gluten-free vegan dairy free soy free non-GMO whole food, each serving offers 110 calories due to its high-quality ingredients. Get your healthy on!
8. KOS Organic Plant-Based Protein Powder

Product Rating 4.3
The best way to lose weight is from the inside out with KOS Organic Plant-Based Protein Powder. This product has been designed for those who want a healthy alternative to dairy-based protein powders and is packed with hunger-curbing soluble fiber. So forget about counting calories again!
With a whopping 20g of plant protein per serving, you’ll feel nourished and energized...not hungry or stuffed. Say goodbye to inflammatory animal proteins and say hello to delicious, lovingly made plant powders that taste as good as they are for you! And don't forget that most of the ingredients in this supplement are certified organic!
Why Do You Need Vegan Protein Powder?
Here are the reasons why you need to have a vegan protein powder.
Helps You Get Proteins
Protein is necessary for your body. It helps you build muscles and makes them stronger over time. If you want to gain weight, then the vegan protein powder is essential.
Vegan Protein Powder Helps You Lose Weight
You can shed off those extra pounds using this product because it gives you energy which will help increase your metabolism rate as well as make you feel full all day long so that your body consumes fewer calories.
This way, instead of burning fat cells in the body, they get converted into fuel that will keep making things work properly inside our system.
Some people have even noticed an amazing difference within just a few days of getting started with their daily workout routine combined with taking these supplements on a regular basis!
If You Have Allergies to Dairy
If you are lactose intolerant or have any sort of allergy to dairy, then the vegan protein powder is an excellent choice for you.
Believe it or not, there are many different types available in the market that do not contain any traces of either milk proteins themselves or casein found in whey powders! So if you cannot consume these ingredients at all, then just go ahead and check out other options before making a purchase decision.
Vegan Protein Powder Helps Maintain Balanced pH Levels
This is one element often ignored while people think about dietary supplements but still plays a vital role in our body's overall health so ensure that your daily diet contains good amounts of fruits and vegetables too since they help maintain the acid-alkaline balance in the body and help us get rid of toxins faster.
Vegan Protein Powder is a Great Source for Energy
This vegan protein powder contains vital nutrients like iron, folate and fiber that give you energy throughout the day so you don't feel tired or exhausted easily at all!
You can even use them before going to your gym sessions if needed. For example, some people prefer having this product an hour before they hit their gyms because it gives them enough energy boost without feeling wired up or anything alike.
And last but not least, no matter which brand or type you purchase from - make sure they are organic/natural made with plant-based products only because these have little to no side effects compared to others while being affordable as well.
Making a decision to go vegan might be challenging but it's worth trying! You can try out this lifestyle for 30 days and see how you feel after all those days have been completed because if anything, your overall health will improve drastically without any side effects whatsoever plus weight loss will follow once things get started, so what are you waiting for? Get yourself one of these amazing products today!
Vegan Protein Powders FAQ's
Q: What is the best vegan protein powder on the market?
A: Many brands offer their customers high-quality products, but I would suggest you buy one online because then you can easily look up some reviews before making a purchase. So do your research well and make sure to read blogs, forums or even watch YouTube videos about these supplements if possible since it will give you an idea of what people think about them in real-time!
Q: Are they organic/natural?
A: Yes, most of them are made from 100% plant-based ingredients, which makes them great for anyone who wants to use something healthy without any negative side effects.
Q: What's inside this product? Does it contain gluten?
A: Most of them do not contain gluten nor soy and are 100% vegan-friendly.
Q: How often should you take this product per day?
A: As far as these supplements go, it is best to consume one before your workout session because that will give you enough energy throughout the whole routine so you don't feel tired or exhausted easily at all! But always check with a doctor what's best for your individual needs since everyone has different bodies.
Q: Are there any side effects associated with using such products on a daily basis?
A: No - most brands offer their customers safe and healthy options without any type of chemicals added which might cause negative reactions in our system. So if anything, they are healthy and beneficial to overall health while being affordable as well.
Q: Does it taste good? Are any flavors available?
A: Most of them have a sweet vanilla flavor which is great for anyone who loves these types of products! But if you don't want this specific one, always look around online or even in stores because you can easily find some other brands that offer their customers different tastes, so just be creative when searching for your new favorite vegan protein powder on the market!