10 Reasons to Take Estrogen Supplements

If you are a woman between the ages of 45-64, and suffer from at least one risk factor for osteoporosis, such as menopause or surgery for breast cancer, then estrogen supplements may be right for you. This article will discuss 10 reasons why taking estrogen supplements is important to your health and well-being.
How Estrogen Works?
Research has shown that estrogen works to reduce bone resorption by inhibiting osteoclast cells. It also encourages new blood vessel growth and increases the mineralization process of bones. Estrogen level naturally declines as we age, which increases the risk of osteoporosis. Taking estrogen supplements can help to reduce these risks and improve your bone health.
10 Reasons Why You Should Take Estrogen Supplements
There are many reasons why you should consider taking estrogen supplements. Here are the top ten reasons why:
1) Boosts Metabolism
Since women have more estrogen than men do, they tend to maintain a higher metabolic rate throughout their lives, even or during sleep! This makes it easier for them to keep off the pounds once they've lost them.
2) Reduces Food Cravings
Estrogen helps to reduce food cravings by stabilizing blood sugar levels. If you are experiencing symptoms such as fatigue, mood, and carbohydrate/sugar cravings that could be attributed to low estrogen levels, then taking estrogen supplements may help to improve these conditions.
3) Increases Bone Density
Studies show that taking estrogen supplements can help to increase your bone density and slow down the rate of osteoporosis.
This can make it easier for you to manage your weight and keep off the pounds once you've lost them, as well as reduce your risk of developing osteoporosis. Taking estrogen supplements has been shown to increase bone density, making it easier for you to manage your weight and keep off the pounds once you've lost them.
4) Improves Skin Health
If you are experiencing symptoms such as dry, itchy skin or lackluster hair and nails, then taking estrogen supplements may improve these conditions.
Estrogen supplements can improve skin health by increasing collagen production. A protein provides structure to our body's connective tissue, making it easier for you to manage your weight and keep off the pounds once you've lost them.
5) Decreases Hot Flashes
If you are experiencing symptoms such as hot flashes, mood swings, and vaginal dryness that could be attributed to low estrogen levels, then taking estrogen supplements may help to improve these conditions. Estrogen supplements can help reduce hot flashes or night sweats, making it easier for you to manage your weight and keep off the pounds once you've lost them.
Estrogen works by relieving the hormonal imbalance in your body, which can cause uncomfortable side effects such as hot flashes or night sweats. This can make it easier for you to manage your weight and keep off the pounds once you've lost them.
6) Lowers Risk Of Alzheimer's Disease
According to studies, taking estrogen supplements may help to lower your risk of developing Alzheimer's Disease. Estrogen supplements can help lower your risk of developing Alzheimer's Disease, making it easier for you to manage your weight and keep off the pounds once you've lost them.
Estrogen helps the brain retain a good supply of oxygen and nutrients by improving blood flow throughout the body. This can make it easier for you to manage your weight and keep off the pounds once you've lost them, as well as reduce your risk of developing Alzheimer's Disease.
7) Improves Sex Drive
If you are experiencing symptoms such as vaginal dryness or lackluster sex drive, then taking estrogen supplements may improve these conditions.
Estrogen is a hormone that plays an important role in the production of lust and sexual desire. Low levels of estrogen can lead to decreased libido, making it more difficult for women to get aroused during intimacy with a partner. By taking estrogen supplements, you can increase your body's production of this hormone and restore a healthy sex drive.
8 ) Helps With Fertility
Studies show that taking estrogen supplements can help to increase your fertility. Estrogen supplements can help with fertility by increasing levels of estrogen in your body, making it easier for you to manage your weight and keep off the pounds once you've lost them.
Estrogen is essential for the production and release of an egg during ovulation. A lower level of this hormone in the body can lead to infertility problems such as PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome). By increasing estrogen levels through supplementation, you may be able to increase the chances of becoming pregnant.
9 ) Slows Down The Aging Process
If you want to slow down the signs of aging and keep your skin looking younger for longer, then taking estrogen supplements may help. Estrogen supplements can slow down the signs of aging by increasing collagen production in our body, making it easier for you to manage your weight and keep off the pounds once you've lost them.
Estrogen is a female sex hormone that can start to decrease in women from as young as their thirties onwards, at which point our body will begin producing less collagen. A protein that keeps skin firm. This can make it more difficult to maintain a youthful appearance as you get older. By taking estrogen supplements, may help slow down the signs of aging and keep your skin looking younger for longer.
10 ) Protects Against Cancer
Taking estrogen supplements may help to protect against certain types of cancer. Estrogen supplements can protect against cancer by increasing estrogen levels in the body, making it easier for you to manage your weight and keep off the pounds once you've lost them.
Estrogen helps regulate the growth and development of cells in your body, which means that a lower level of this hormone can cause changes in the DNA structure of some tissues. This can increase your chances of developing different types of cancers, such as breast or uterine cancer later on in life. By increasing estrogen levels through supplementation, you can help to reduce your risk of developing these cancers.
Natural Supplements For Estrogen
Their doctor tells some women that they should consider taking estrogen supplements because of a hormone imbalance. There are also some things you can do to improve your overall health and vitamin intake, which will help improve symptoms associated with low estrogen levels in your body. Below is a list of 12 specific whole food items or natural supplements that can help to improve estrogen levels in your body.
1) Flax Seeds
Contain lignans, which are plant-based compounds that have been shown to mimic the effects of hormones like estrogen. You need approximately three tablespoons of flax seeds per day to achieve positive results, and you should grind them up for better absorption into the body.
2) Soybeans
This particular food is one of the top sources of phytoestrogens, which are plant-based compounds that have been shown to mimic estrogen in our bodies. If you can find soybeans locally or purchase them online, you should start adding them to your diet as much as possible because they have a lot of health benefits, such as an improved cardiovascular function.
3) Black Cohosh
This particular herb has been shown to improve symptoms of menopause in women and stimulate the production of estrogen in your body. The recommended dosage is about 40 mg per day, which should be taken before bedtime on a daily basis for best results. If you have any adverse reactions to it, you should not exceed the recommended dosage.
4) Wild Yam
This is another excellent source of phytoestrogens that can help improve symptoms associated with menopause. You need between 500 mg and 1000 mg per day for best results.
Note: do not take more than this unless your doctor recommends a higher dosage.
5) Red Clover Tea
This is another item rich in phytoestrogens, which have been shown to naturally increase estrogen levels. You can drink two cups of red clover tea per day for best results and continue doing so on a daily basis if you want to achieve optimal health benefits.
6) Black Currant Oil
This is a type of oil that's been shown to help prevent bone loss in women, which can be helpful for preventing osteoporosis. There are no known side effects associated with taking black currant seed oil on a regular basis, but you should still speak to your doctor before starting this or any new supplement.
7) Green Tea
This is another excellent source of antioxidants, which have been shown to help prevent diseases and even certain types of cancer as well. You should drink two cups per day for best results (do not exceed the recommended dosage).
8) Kudzu Root
Like black cohosh, this herb has been shown to help stimulate estrogen production in your body. You need between 500 mg and 1000 mg per day for best results (do not take more than this unless your doctor recommends a higher dosage)
9) Chasteberry
This is a berry that has been shown to help balance out hormone levels in the body. The recommended dosage is 200 mg per day, which should be taken before bedtime (do not exceed this amount without consulting your doctor first).
10) Fennel Seeds
These seeds are an excellent source of estrogen, which have been shown to mimic the effects of estrogen in our bodies. You need about a teaspoon of fennel seeds per day for best results (do not take more than this unless your doctor recommends a higher dosage)
11) Goji Berries
This is another excellent source of phytoestrogens, which have been shown to help balance out estrogen levels in the body. You need between 500 mg and 1000 mg per day for best results (do not take more than this unless your doctor recommends a higher dosage)
12) Soy Milk
This is another excellent source of phytoestrogens, which have been shown to mimic the effects of estrogen in our bodies. You should drink three cups per day for the best results.
What Are The Side Effects Of Taking Estrogen Supplements?
Taking estrogen supplements can come with several side effects
Weight Gain
Some women experience weight gain as a side effect of taking estrogen supplements.
Increased Blood Clotting Risk
There is an increased risk of a blood clot when you take estrogen supplements, which can, in turn, increase your chances of developing certain types of diseases such as stroke and risk of heart disease later on in life.
Breast Tenderness & Enlargement
Breast tenderness and enlargement are two of the most common side effects experienced by women who take estrogen supplements. The breast tissue can also become more sensitive to changes in hormone levels, resulting in increased pain during sex.
There are times that you might experience vomiting as you are taking estrogen supplements or estradiol, especially during the first few days. You might also notice some unusual smells in your mouth along with sores that come and go on either side of your tongue-all these could be possible signs of a temporary condition called “estrogen toxicity”.
What Are The Side Effects Of Taking Estrogen Supplements?
Estrogen supplements can lead to many side effects.
Weight Gain
The risk of weight gain is common when taking estrogen, especially in the first few days or during a change in dosage.
Some women experience bloating as a side effect of taking estrogen supplements. There are about 20-30% of women who may experience this side effect.
Some women experience indigestion as a side effect of taking estrogen supplements this is because the digestive system slows down during treatment.
Swelling Of The Hands, Ankles, And Feet
Some women experience swelling in their hands or feet as a side effect of estrogen supplements. This is usually due to fluid retention that occurs from taking these hormones.
Headaches And Migraines
Taking estrogen can lead to headaches or migraines, especially when you change the dosage. This usually happens when you first start taking estrogen and may disappear with continued treatment.
You may also experience cramps as one of the side effects of taking estrogen supplements. This is usually a minor complaint and can be managed by over-the-counter medication or changing your dosage to less than 20mcg/day.
Due to the estrogen in your system, you might also experience diarrhea as a side effect of taking this type of hormone supplementation.
Weight Loss or Gain
You may also experience weight gain or loss as a side effect of taking estrogen supplements. Estrogen can actually help lose weight due to its ability to regulate your metabolism and encourage fat burning, but it is not for everyone.
Vaginal Discharge
Some women notice an increase in vaginal discharge when they are on estrogen supplementation, which could signify a yeast infection.
Dizziness & Drowsiness
You may also experience dizziness or drowsiness as a side effect of taking estrogen supplements. This is usually because these hormones can slow down your digestive system and disrupt your ability to focus on what you are doing.
Frequent Urination
Some women notice an increase in their urinary frequency when they take estrogen supplementation, especially during the first few days of treatment. This may be due to fluid retention, which can result in increased urination.
What Happens If A Woman Has Too Much Estrogen?
Usually, women have too little estrogen in their bodies. When a woman has more than usual of this hormone, it is called hyperestrogenism and can cause discomfort during sex or even infertility issues if left untreated for long periods of time. But this is not common and usually only happens in women with PCOS.
Estrogen toxicity can occur if a woman takes too much estrogen or is exposed to an excessive amount of this hormone for long periods of time. In most cases, there are generally no serious symptoms that will happen immediately after the exposure. Instead, they may appear over one to two weeks.
What Happens If You Have No Estrogen?
Suppose a woman has no estrogen in her body. In that case, she will enter and may experience symptoms of menopause and begin to experience hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, mood swings, and more.
There are also serious conditions that can occur if you have low levels of this hormone for long periods of time, including osteoporosis which is when the bones become weak and brittle, heart disease is another serious concern that happens when your arteries and veins harden over time causing a decrease in blood flow throughout the body.
Liver damage can also be a problem if you have low estrogen levels for long periods of time as well as memory problems or even cognitive decline.
When this hormone imbalance occurs in women that are at a young age, it can lead to early-onset menopause.
These symptoms and conditions will be more common in the older age group than those who have just entered their twenties or thirties.
Your estrogen levels naturally decrease as you get older, so having lower amounts of this hormone is not out of the ordinary. But when levels are too low, you will experience these negative symptoms and conditions, which may impact your life in more ways than one.
However, there is a way to help treat this hormone imbalance naturally with natural progesterone creams or pills that can be taken orally as well. The synthetic forms of estrogen supplementation should be avoided at all costs, especially if you are already taking a form of progesterone supplementation.
As you can see, there are many benefits to taking estrogen supplements, and it is important for all women to get tested regularly, so they know what their levels of this hormone are.
If you have any concerns about your estrogen levels, don't hesitate to ask your doctor and get tested as soon as possible so you can live the life that you deserve free of discomfort and worry.