15 Exercises On How to Get Rid of Hip Dips

Hip dips are a common issue for people who sit often. They can make it difficult to perform physical activity and cause pain when sitting or standing.
However, there are many exercises you can do that will help strengthen your hip muscles and get rid of the dip! This blog post includes 16 different exercises for getting rid of hip dips.
Causes Of Hip Dips
Hip dips are a common problem for people who sit often. They can make it difficult to perform physical activity and cause pain when sitting or standing. There are several causes of hip dips:
If your parents have hip dips, you are likely to have them as well.
Sedentary Lifestyle
People who don't exercise often enough will see their muscles weaken and begin to sag over time. In addition, this will increase your body weight and put more pressure on the hip muscles as well. In this case, doing exercises that target the hips is a great way to build muscle mass there!
Hip Abductor Weakness
If you have a job that requires sitting for long periods of time, this can lead to weakness in your hip abductors. This causes the muscles around the hips and buttocks to sag down as well.
The first way to fix this is by standing up more at work! However, if it persists through exercise or working out, you may need to see a physical therapist or doctor to get advice on your specific situation.
Hip Flexor Weakness
Similar to the point above, if you have a job that requires sitting for long periods of time, this can lead to weakness in your hip flexors. This causes the muscles around the hips and buttocks to sag down as well. The first way to fix this is by standing up more at work! However, if it persists through exercise or working out, you may need to see a physical therapist or doctor to get advice on your specific situation.
Tight Hip Flexors And Adductors
If the muscles in your hips are tight from not being stretched often enough, they will pull your pelvis down. This causes the hips to dip inwards, giving you hip dips!
Lack of Muscle Tone
If you have very little muscle mass around your hips and buttocks, they will sag downward over time, causing a dip where there should be none. Building up these muscles through exercise is an excellent way to fix this problem!
How To Get Rid Of Hip Dips: 16 Effective Exercise
You can do many exercises to target the muscles around your hips and get rid of hip dips. Here are some great ones:
Hip Raises
Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Lift one leg up slowly, then lower it down. Repeat this motion for several reps. Switch legs and repeat, doing this for 30 seconds at a time.\
This exercise specifically targets the muscles in your hips that are responsible for pulling them up! It is great because you can do it almost anywhere without anyone noticing what you're doing!
Check this video for more information:
Squats With Band Around Knees
Stand with feet hip-width apart, stomach braced in, and backed straight. Pull a resistance band up around your knees so that the bottoms of them are pulled together slightly.
Bend down into a squat while keeping your feet flat on the ground. Do this exercise slowly to ensure you're using the proper form!
To perform this exercise properly, see this video:
Clam Shells
Start by lying on your side with knees bent and feet stacked. Keeping your spine straight, slowly lift one knee up as far as you can while keeping the foot pointing forward. Do this several times, then switch sides!
To learn how to do clam shells, check this out:
Hip Thrusts
For this exercise, set a bench or chair behind you so that when your hips are resting on it, they are slightly elevated. Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat against the bench/chair, roughly shoulder-width apart.
Keeping your stomach braced in a while, keeping a straight line from shoulders to hips, raise one leg up slowly, then lower it down again while squeezing butt muscles at the top of the motion. Repeat this motion for several reps before switching legs.
See this video for more details on how to do the exercise:
Stand with feet hip-width apart, stomach braced in, and backed straight. Take a large step forward, then bend both knees until your front thigh is parallel to the floor while keeping your foot flat on the ground (heel should not be raised).
Slowly push yourself back up into starting position, then take another large step forward. Repeat this motion several times before switching legs!
To show you how to do the Lunges right, see this:
Reverse Lunges
This exercise is very similar to the lunge above, with one exception. You are moving backward instead of forwards. Start by standing with feet hip-width apart, stomach braced in, and back straight.
Take a large step backward, then bend both knees until your front thigh is parallel to the floor while keeping your foot flat on the ground.
Slowly push yourself back up into starting position, then take another large step backward. Repeat this motion several times before switching legs!
Check this amazing video to do the Reverse Lunges perfectly:
Start by lying down with feet flat on the floor, shoulder-width apart, and arms extended out in a T position. Press your hips up so that they are in line with your knees and shoulders. Hold this position for several seconds before lowering yourself back down to the floor again. Repeat this motion until you've done 30 reps!
To see the wrong and right ways when doing this exercise, check this out:
Hamstring Curl
Start by lying face-up on a bench or chair, legs hanging off of one end. Keeping your legs straight, slowly curl them up so that your feet come closer to your butt. Hold this position for three seconds before lowering yourself back down again. Repeat until you've done 30 reps!
Take a look at this amazing video to do the exercise perfectly:
Squat Jacks
Stand with feet hip-width apart, stomach braced in and back straight. Bend down into a squat while bringing your arms down to touch the floor if you can (if not, just reaching them as far is fine).
Jump both legs out wide so that they are slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Jump back into starting position, then jump again. Repeat this motion several times before switching legs!
To do the exercise precisely, watch this:
Plank With Arm Raise
Start by lying on your stomach, arms extended out in front of you and toes tucked under so that only the tops of your feet are touching the floor.
Keeping your core tight and back flat, raise one arm straight up until it's in line with your shoulder while keeping the rest of your body still. Lower arm back down to the floor before raising the opposite arm, alternating between sides for 30 reps!
Check this video for more instruction on how to do the exercise:
Plank With Hip Raise
Start by lying on your stomach, hands under shoulders, and toes tucked under so that only the tops of your feet are touching the floor. Press your hips up to balance on toes and forearms (elbows should be directly under shoulders).
Slowly bring one leg in, keeping the knee bent so it's not touching the ground but rather hovering just above it. Extend leg back out to starting position before bringing other legs in at a slow pace. Repeat this motion until you've done 30 reps on each side!
To do the exercise right, click this to watch:
Lateral Lunge
Start by standing with feet hip-width apart, stomach braced in, and back straight. Take a large step to the right, then bend both knees so that your left thigh is parallel to the ground while keeping your foot flat on the floor (heel should not be raised). Slowly push yourself back up into starting position before taking another large step to the right. Repeat this motion several times before switching sides!
See this video to perform the exercise rightly:
Start by lying face-down with arms and legs extended out in a "T" shape. Slowly raise your left arm and right leg so that they're both pointing straight towards the ceiling, then slowly lower them back down.
Next, raise your right arm and left leg so that they too are pointing towards the ceiling, then slowly lower them back down as well (repeat until you've completed 30 reps).
To do the Superman exercise, click this out:
Reverse Plank
Lay face-up on a bench or chair, legs hanging off of one end. Keeping your legs straight, slowly raise your hips up until you're balancing on the backs of your shoulders and feet (only toes should be touching bench/chair). Hold this position for several seconds before lowering yourself back down again. Repeat until you've completed 30 reps!
To help you to do it fittingly, click this video:
Figure Four With Leg Raise
Lay face-up on a bench or chair, legs hanging off of one end. Keeping your feet flat on the floor and your stomach braced in, raise your right leg up until it's pointing straight towards the ceiling (you should feel a stretch through the outside of your thigh).
Slowly lower yourself back down to starting position before raising your left leg up. Continue alternating between sides for 30 reps.
Check this amazing video to do it rightly:
Table Top With Leg Lift
Start by lying face-up on a bench or chair, legs hanging off of one end. Keeping your stomach braced in and hands behind your head for support, slowly raise both feet up towards the ceiling while keeping knees bent at 90 degrees (you should feel a stretch through inner thighs).
Hold this position for several seconds before slowly lowering your feet back down to starting position. Repeat until you've done 30 reps!
See this video to do the exercise perfectly:
These are all of the hip exercises on how that you can do that are proven to work! Do this with a healthy diet, and you will see incredible changes in your body.
Depending on how bad your hip dips are, it will take some time for them to go away completely.
However, suppose you persevere and do these exercises daily as well as eat healthy foods high in protein and vegetables rich in antioxidants. In that case, the results should be visible within a few weeks! You can also hire a personal trainer to help you with all of this and help you remove your hip dips.