5 Varicose Veins Exercises: Get Rid of That Fat Around Your Legs

Varicose veins are a common condition that can be very painful, uncomfortable, and even embarrassing. Luckily, there are many varicose veins exercises you can do to help get rid of those pesky varicose veins! This article will discuss some of the most popular methods for relieving the pain caused by varicose veins.
What Causes Varicose Veins?
A varicose vein is a medical condition in which one or more veins enlarge and twist, turning into a knobby cord. The main symptom of the problem is leg pain caused by distended veins.
This can lead to an increased risk for blood clots developing within your legs because venous valves are damaged due to overstretching. When this happens, you may end up with a blood clot that blocks an artery and causes problems such as leg ulcers, skin discoloration, infection, or tissue death.
The blood circulation in your legs is controlled by a series of one-way valves that open to allow fresh blood into the leg and then close again. When you have varicose veins, these valves weaken or fail altogether, which means they cannot shut properly, resulting in poor circulation throughout the whole body.
In most cases, varicose veins are caused by prolonged periods of standing or sitting without moving around much, which decreases the pressure within your leg veins. Furthermore, obesity is another cause of this health problem.
Family history also plays a role in developing varicose veins, and so do pregnancy, injury to the leg or pelvic area.
It is also recommended to avoid using compression stockings or other methods that are used to decrease blood pressure since this may further damage your veins.
Here's what you should do instead: start doing some varicose veins exercises! Exercising will help improve the function of damaged valves by gradually increasing your heart rate and reducing venous pressure.Â
This will allow your veins to return to their normal shape without being stretched while also strengthening muscles around them, so they are not affected by the daily pressures you put on your legs.

5 Top Varicose Veins ExercisesÂ
The following exercises can help reverse varicose veins within several weeks:
Wall sit
This simple exercise is a great way to strengthen your quadriceps while improving the function of venous valves. All you need is a wall and enough space to stand in front of it with feet shoulder-width apart.
Lean against the wall by bending your knees at 90 degrees while keeping them parallel with each other. Slowly slide down until you're sitting on the floor, holding the position for as long as you feel comfortable. Don't allow your knees to extend past your toes, and make sure that they're still parallel with each other. Otherwise, this exercise will not be effective.
Watch this video for more details about the exercise:
Leg lifts
This is another great workout for strengthening the muscles surrounding varicose veins while improving venous function at the same time.
You will need to lie on your back with arms at your sides and knees bent. Slowly contract the muscles of one leg, lifting it about six inches off the floor while keeping hips pressed into the ground. Do not allow buttocks to rise off the mat as you lift up or lower down – keep abs tight throughout this exercise, so they don't sag toward the floor.
Repeat with your other leg and perform ten repetitions for each side of your body, aiming to do three sets per workout session.
Calf raises
This form of exercise will strengthen calf muscles as well as improve venous function by pushing more blood back up into central veins, where it can be better circulated around the rest of your body.
Stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart and hands on the back of a chair for support. Slowly lower down by bending your knees, making sure to keep heels pressed firmly into the ground. Pause at the lowest point before pushing yourself up again through your calves (not toes). Aim for ten repetitions per set and three sets in total for each workout session.
Knee to chest
This type of exercise is easy and can be done practically anywhere. All you need is a chair! It will work both your quads and hip flexors, thereby improving venous function as well as circulation around the affected area.
Slowly bring one knee up toward your chest while keeping the opposite leg flat on the ground. Stop when the knee touches your chest before slowly extending the same leg out again to complete one repetition, aiming for ten per set and three sets in each workout session.
Learn how to do this exercise correctly by watching this:
Standing calf raises
This exercise is also great for strengthening calves while improving venous function due to increased pressure within the central veins of the legs created by standing on tiptoes.
Stand with feet slightly apart and hands on hips or behind your head. Slowly push up onto the balls of your feet as high as you can go before slowly lowering back down again through calves to complete one repetition; aim for ten per set and three sets in total each workout session.
Watch this video to know more details about this exercise:
Bad Habits For Varicose Veins
Several bad habits could be compounding the issue of varicose veins. Suppose you smoke, drink excessively, or sit for long periods of time without moving around at least once every hour. In that case, these will damage vein function further while also hindering your body's natural healing processes.
Varicose veins can become worse when they're exposed to excessive pressure, so it's essential to avoid any activities that could place undue stress on your legs.
Avoid wearing tight clothing and try not to stand for long periods of time if you have a job where this is necessary. Instead, take frequent breaks in which you can move around the office or go outside for some fresh air!
By continuing to engage in these bad habits, you're only exacerbating the problem and ensuring that it will take even longer to treat.
Varicose veins can be a difficult condition to treat due to the damage that has already been caused. However, with regular exercise and positive lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking or drinking less alcohol, you should see improvements in your symptoms within just three months of treatment!
Aerobic exercise can also help to improve blood flow around your body in general, so you should aim for at least thirty minutes of activity every day. Consult a vein specialist to find out more about your best options.
Remember not to engage in any activities that place extra pressure on your legs during this time, and make sure you stay hydrated by drinking lots of water. Maintain a healthy diet and try to get as much sleep as possible. All of these factors will help you recover from varicose veins more quickly.