Full  Liquid Diet: Lose Weight in 1 Week!

Published on
September 21, 2021
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Do you want to lose weight and feel good too? A liquid diet is a great way to lose weight and keep it off. It's no secret that diets are hard, but this one is different because you will not be feeling hungry or deprived. This article will tell you all about the benefits of going on a liquid diet for your health!

What is a liquid diet?

A liquid diet or full liquid is a diet that consists of only liquids. It is also called a clear liquid diet, or a modified liquid diet. The term "full liquid" is used because the diet includes only liquids such as water, juice, broth and other clear liquids. Solid foods such as breads, cereals and starchy vegetables aren't allowed on this diet.

A full liquid diet is a special type of diet that consists only of liquids. It's usually used as a short-term weight loss plan or as a way to replace solid food during recovery from surgery or another medical procedure. You should only follow a liquid diet for up to three days or until you reach your desired weight loss goal

Sometimes a doctor may recommend that you follow a liquid diet if you have difficulty chewing or swallowing solid food due to an illness or injury. This can help prevent choking on solid foods and help you get the nutrients you need in order to heal properly.

Is liquid diet healthy?

Liquid diets may not be for everyone because they don't provide the full range of nutrients that you need in your diet. Liquid diets do not provide enough nutrients for your body to function properly and can lead to serious health problems such as malnutrition, fatigue and weakness. In addition, they do not address the underlying causes of obesity and may actually contribute to its development over time. 

They may be effective at helping you lose weight, but they are not a long-term solution. If you're looking to lose weight quickly, then liquid diets can be an effective tool.

But if you're looking to lose weight and keep it off, then a more balanced approach is necessary. If you're considering a liquid diet, talk to your doctor before starting one. Your doctor may recommend a different type of diet that fits your needs better than a liquid diet does.

Benefits of liquid diet

There are many benefits to following a liquid diet, including:

  • Rapid weight loss — A liquid diet can help you lose weight rapidly, which may be necessary if you're very overweight or obese.
  • Easy to follow — You don't have to count calories or portion sizes with a liquid diet because there's no solid food involved. Just drink what you need each day and don't eat anything else!
  • It helps treat medical conditions — If you have an illness or injury and cannot eat solid food, then a liquid diet is an easy way to receive essential nutrients while healing. For example, if you are recovering from surgery or have undergone chemotherapy treatments and need to eat through a feeding tube, then a liquid diet can help prevent malnutrition and other complications associated with eating too little food over time. A liquid diet can also be beneficial if you have trouble chewing and swallowing food due to arthritis or other causes.
  • Help people with diabetes - A liquid diet can help people with diabetes to control their blood sugar levels and insulin levels. It also helps them to lose weight by reducing their calorie intake. According to one study liquid diet is safe for them and can be used as a meal replacement.

Liquid diet meal plan

There are a lot of liquid diet recipes you can try to increase your weight loss.

What you can eat:

  • Broth: Plain broth, bouillon and consommĂ© are great for making a liquid diet more flavorful. Be sure to use low-sodium broths, bouillons or consommĂ©s. You can also make your own from scratch by boiling chicken or beef bones with vegetables and herbs for several hours.
  • Fruit juices: Any type of fruit juice is allowed on this diet, but remember that fruit juice is high in sugar, so drink sparingly. Stick with 100 percent juice without added sugar or artificial sweeteners. Fruit juices are good substitutes for sodas and other sugary drinks that aren't allowed while on this diet.
  • Milk: Whole milk is allowed on this diet as long as it's skim (1 percent) milk fat or less. Skim milk has less than 1 gram of fat per cup and has only 10 calories per cup (compared to 146 calories per cup in whole milk). Low-fat or nonfat yogurt and kefir made from skim milk are also allowed on this plan.
  • Fruit smoothies: Fruit smoothies are an excellent choice for those who need to lose weight. They're healthy and tasty, so you'll feel like you're not missing out on anything during your liquid diet. Just make sure that your smoothie contains plenty of healthy ingredients such as fruits and vegetables.
  • Gelatin: Gelatin is one of the most popular foods when it comes to liquid diets. It is also one of the safest foods that you could consume while on this kind of program because it has no calories and does not have any fat content either. Also, it helps with weight loss by helping in digestion and absorption of nutrients from other foods as well as vitamins and minerals from supplements such as multivitamins for women or men who are trying to lose weight.
  • Tea: Tea is a great thing to drink while on a liquid diet because it's low in calories and can help you feel full. However, be sure to choose unsweetened tea or herbal teas so you don't end up consuming too many calories. Some teas also contain caffeine, which can disrupt sleep patterns if consumed late in the day.
  • Coffee: Coffee is another great drink choice on a liquid diet because it has zero calories and contains lots of antioxidants that may help prevent chronic diseases like cancer and heart disease. However, make sure you only consume one cup of coffee per day because drinking more than two cups of coffee per day may cause insomnia or anxiety attacks.

What are bowel movements like on a liquid diet?

Bowel movements on a liquid diet are going to differ from what you're used to. It's important to understand that your body is getting its food from liquids, so it's not going to be able to process everything the same way.

Your bowel movements will be more frequent and softer in texture than normal. Your body will be flushing out the liquids you're drinking more frequently than normal, so you may need to get up more often during the night.

The best way to deal with this is by making sure that you're drinking plenty of water every day. This will help keep your digestive tract well-hydrated, as well as helping flush out any fluids that might build up in your system.

How long can you be on a liquid diet?

The exact length of time you can be on a liquid diet is dependent on your overall health. Your doctor or dietitian should be able to tell you how long you should be on the diet, but in general, it’s recommended that you don’t go longer than five days. This is because there are some risks associated with being on a liquid diet for too long (such as malnutrition), and if you have any underlying health issues, they may get worse if you’re not eating enough calories.

How much weight will I lose on the liquid diet?

The amount of weight you lose on the liquid diet will depend on a few factors. The main one is how closely you follow the diet plan and how much weight you need to lose in the first place. If you are following the diet closely, then you stand a good chance of losing 5 pounds in just 1 week. However, if you follow the diet loosely, then you might lose only 3-4 pounds. It’s important to note that this weight loss is not permanent and comes with some serious side effects.

What are the side effects of a liquid diet?

Here's what you need to know about the side effects of being on a liquid diet:

  • Headaches: Some people report feeling tired or lethargic while they're on a liquid diet. It's possible that this could be caused by low blood sugar levels or dehydration (sweating a lot). Some people also experience headaches while following these types of diets because they don't drink enough water each day or eat enough fiber in their meal replacement shakes.
  • Fatigue: The lack of fiber in most liquid meal replacements may cause constipation, which can lead to fatigue due to a lack of energy or blood flow to the intestines. In addition, some individuals may feel tired due to low blood sugar levels if they don't consume enough carbohydrates in their meals during the day. 
  • Muscle aches and pains: If you're on a liquid diet for a long time, muscle aches can develop because your body isn't getting enough protein.
  • Nausea or vomiting: It's normal to feel nauseated when starting a liquid diet. Your body may have been used to eating solid foods and now it has to adjust to new flavors and textures. As you get used to the liquid diet, these feelings should go away. If they don't, talk with your doctor about switching back to solid foods temporarily or reducing the amount of solids in your liquid diet.


This diet actually works but is not easy to stick to at all. The full liquid diet is not for everyone but can be beneficial for weight loss and as a meal replacement. It does have its risks, and if you're thinking about trying it, please consult with your physician beforehand. You'll have to be committed to it for the duration of the time you're on it, which may or may not work for your lifestyle. That said, it's still a good diet to try.