Best Diet for Hemorrhoids: Best and Worst Foods

What is the best diet for hemorrhoids? When it comes to diet and hemorrhoids, many people think that eating any type of food will cause them. This is not the case at all. In this article, we are going to tell you what are the best and worst foods for your condition.
What are hemorrhoids?
Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the anus and rectum. They're also called piles. You might not even know you have them until they hurt. They can be small or large, internal or external. Internal hemorrhoids form inside your rectum and aren't always noticeable. External ones are on the outside of your rectum, under the skin around it.
They may be temporary, or they may remain for years if not treated properly. Hemorrhoids can cause pain, itching and bleeding. Some people with hemorrhoids also experience anorectal discomfort, including feeling like they need to have a bowel movement all the time.
The exact number of people with hemorrhoids is not known. Many people with hemorrhoids experience only mild symptoms and are not aware that they have the condition. Others experience symptoms severe enough to require treatment. The prevalence of hemorrhoids increases with age and affects men more than women. Hemorrhoids occur in about 1 in 20 Americans.
Causes of hemorrhoids
One of the most common causes of hemorrhoids is chronic constipation. Constipation can be caused by diet, certain medications, or conditions that may cause not to have regular bowel movements. Other causes of hemorrhoid flare-ups are from sitting for long periods of time and straining during passing stool.
Another reason is pregnancy. As the baby grows and puts pressure on a woman's abdomen, it can cause hemorrhoids to form or for them to become more painful.Â
It is also a cause of hemorrhoid flare-ups is an injury to the anal area. This can include things like fissures or tears in the skin around the anus, damaged blood vessels, and a bruise caused by trauma. A theory holds that people who are overweight tend to have more problems with developing hemorrhoids.
Stress can also affect your digestive tract by causing muscle spasms in the colon and rectum. This can lead to hemorrhoids — varicose veins in your anus or rectum — which are painful, swollen veins caused by straining during bowel movements.

The correct and best diet for hemorrhoids
1. High-fiber diet
A high-fiber diet will help to keep the digestive system running smoothly and reduce constipation, which can be a major contributing factor to getting hemorrhoids. A fiber supplement may also help until your body adjusts. Consider adding more sources of soluble fiber and insoluble fibers in order to make the best diet for hemorrhoids.
Fiber supplements and soluble fiber rich foods are best for hemorrhoids. Foods with the best sources of soluble fibers include oatmeal, asparagus, dark leafy greens such as spinach or kale.
Insoluble fiber rich foods are best for constipation but can be helpful in treating hemorrhoids. Insoluble fiber sources best for hemorrhoids include whole grains, raw vegetables such as carrots or broccoli.
Avoiding low fiber intake can result in constipation, a common cause of hemorrhoids, and the best way to prevent getting them again. If you're eating less than 20 grams per day best food for pain due to hemorrhoids, then it's time best ways to get rid of hemorrhoids for an adjustment.
2. Flavonoids
The best diet for hemorrhoids is one rich in flavonoids. Flavonoids found abundantly in dark fruits and vegetables such as berries, onions, and broccoli contain antioxidants that are known to soothe inflammation of the blood vessels or veins, which can lead to irritation. Raisins also have a high level of flavonoids. The research found that people who drank raisin juice every day had lower rates of hemorrhoids.
3. Fruits and vegetablesÂ
The best diet for hemorrhoids is one that includes plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. These can include citrus, berries or grapes, spinach, carrots or broccoli, whole grains bread and cereals, roasted nuts and seeds, lean proteins like fish, poultry, or egg whites in moderation if they are low fat. It's also best to consume foods rich in polyphenols which include olives, apples, and cherries.
4. Increase water intake
Water is best for you and your hemorrhoids. It helps to keep the bowel movements soft, which in turn reduces irritation. For best results, drink at least eight glasses of water each day. This can be done by having a glass before breakfast, lunch, and dinner or adding some ice-cold water to meals when cooking them. Keep this up throughout the day to best support your hemorrhoid treatment.
5. Regular exercise and healthy weight
Regular exercise can help improve the irritability of inflamed hemorrhoids and can make any symptoms less severe. Exercise helps to reduce weight, which is a risk factor for developing hemorrhoids in many people.
Weight loss also reduces pressure on veins, blood vessels, and nerves in this area, causing problems with excess straining during bowel movements or other activities. Exercise also increases circulation and promotes regular bowel movements, which can help prevent constipation, a common cause of hemorrhoids.
Painful symptoms may be less severe as well if the underlying problem is related to tension in muscles or nerves rather than pressure on blood vessels. Regular exercise should always include some form of stretching since this can help improve blood flow to the area.
Best food to eat for hemorrhoids
There are several foods best for hemorrhoids sufferers to eat.
- Fresh fruits like citrus, berries, and grapes
- Vegetables such as spinach, carrots, or broccoli
- Substitute your white bread with whole grain bread, and cereals
- Roasted nuts, and seeds
- Lean proteins like fish, poultry, and eggs
- The best diet for hemorrhoids includes food with antioxidants to help the body fight against inflammation. Foods high in polyphenols are best, including olives, apples, and cherries. One should also consume foods that have plenty of fiber, such as whole grains, black beans, and vegetables.
- The best diet for hemorrhoids should also include the consumption of fluids such as water or unsweetened fruit juices to help prevent constipation, which can cause the condition.
Worst food to eat for hemorrhoids
If you don't want to worsen your hemorrhoid condition, avoid these foods:
Some of the worst food for hemorrhoids are spicy foods, citrus fruits, and drinks, tomatoes, alcohol, caffeine (coffee or tea), iced foods that aren't frozen when you buy them (ice cream). They will cause your hemorrhoids to flare up and are best avoided.
Other foods to avoids are those with added sugar or artificial sweeteners, such as sweets and desserts, because they can cause excess gas and bloat.
One study found that people with hemorrhoids who drank coffee had a higher risk of developing symptomatic hemorrhoids.
Another study found that people with high blood pressure were more likely to develop symptoms in the anal region if they ate a diet rich in animal fats, alcohol, and caffeine.
Therefore, the best diet for hemorrhoids is one low in animal fat (particularly meat), alcohol, and caffeine.
What should you not do if you have hemorrhoids?
If you have hemorrhoids, there are some things you should avoid. These include:
- Do not use over-the-counter medications without checking with your doctor first. OTC medications can be helpful in relieving pain and itching, but they do not treat the underlying cause of hemorrhoids. And they do not cure them.
- Do not use heating pads or hot water bottles on your anus. The heat may make your condition worse by causing swelling and irritation of the tissues around the anus.
- Do not wear tight-fitting clothing around your waistline, especially if you're pregnant or overweight. Tight pants and underwear can put pressure on swollen veins, which may lead to bleeding or other complications with hemorrhoids. If you must wear tight-fitting clothes, try wearing a padded cushion that goes between your legs to help relieve pressure on your abdomen area.
- Do not sit for long periods of time without getting up and moving around as much as possible throughout the day (this includes standing). Sitting can increase blood flow back toward the heart and increase swelling in veins located in the lower rectum area, possibly causing further irritation for some people with hemorrhoids.
Treatment for hemorrhoids
Medical professionals recommend that hemorrhoid sufferers make a simple lifestyle change to best treat their condition.
Some people apply over-the-counter hemorrhoid treatments, but these are best for temporary relief. A doctor may prescribe medicines or surgery to relieve a patient from chronic inflammation of the tissue that causes hemorrhoids.
The best diet for hemorrhoids is to eat a balanced variety of fruits, vegetables, and grains. Include plenty of water in your diet as well.Â
Drink at least eight glasses per day - this can be from any combination of caffeinated or non-caffeinated beverages. You should also limit your intake of alcohol, salt, and red meat.
The best way to prevent hemorrhoids is by not straining too much when you go to the bathroom. Straining can cause your lower veins and muscles in that area to become swollen, which may lead to a hemorrhoid infection or even more severe cases of this condition like piles.Â
If you are suffering from chronic constipation due to any underlying health condition, it is best to consult a doctor for advice on how best to manage your bowel movements.